A continuing challenge for us while traveling is how to maintain an exercise schedule. What might be called basic exercise is easy enough – we hike when we can and walk fairly extensively while touring. But cardio fitness is something else again. Many of the motels have some sort of fitness equipment, often just an exerbike or treadmill in a small space, but at least functioning and available. A number of places have been pretty good outdoor running areas. Both Bob and Marty, for example, enjoyed running along the rim road at the Grand Canyon and on trails in the Mountain Park where we camped in Tucson. Las Vegas jogging, on the other hand, is more difficult. The city is not conducive to either walking or running, and many neighborhoods are sketchy at best. Lap swimming, which is one of Marty’s passions, requires an appropriate pool. She has found several community centers with excellent facilities and recently has used her YMCA membership to good use. Although we drove completely across Las Vegas to get there, a brand new Y was open the day after Thanksgiving for lap swimming.
Exercise is one more thing to try to fit into our daily schedule along with school work, taking advantage of local sights and experiences, and travel from here to there. We are learning how to adjust, balance, and compromise to try to achieve everyone’s desires. But the challenge remains.