Tuesday, October 27, 2009

There are always surprises. In this case, when we arrived in Golden, CO (just west of Denver), near to where Joann lives, we immediately saw a sign announcing that Buffalo Bill’s grave was a nearby tourist attraction. Who knew? In one day we had driven the whole of Mr. Cody’s life--from North Platte, where he was born, to the place of his untimely death. And he is as commercialized in Golden as he is in Nebraska; somehow I think he would be pleased.

Our wonderful long weekend at Joann’s, with several trips to Boulder to spend time with Andrew, was marred only by an early cold front and accompanying snow. Not that snow in higher altitudes is totally unexpected at the end of October, but we were here to enjoy family members not wind chill. Nevertheless, the Rocky Mountains are beautiful this time of year.

Golden, itself, home of Coors and Colorado School of Mines is one of our very favorite communities. The river has a white water park; there are hiking and bike paths everywhere, and looming mountains and mesas. It also has a community recreation center that would be a major addition to any town. The center has huge exercise facilities and a lap pool and waterslide pool. For our friends in Maine who know the Bath YMCA – think times four.